The latest crisis arising from the activities of propagators of fake news – a blend of rumor, propaganda and plot theory – has shaken the world. Fake news is now considered to be the number one threat to democracy across the world. Although fake news has always existed, the rise of social media has exploded its capabilities and the speed at which it spreads. Social media platforms constitute a vital tool for dissemination of important information, but recent experience has demonstrated that they can be used to spread less-than-useful or flat-out falsehoods to great effect.
We currently live in a reality where social platforms like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter have been weaponized by propagandists. And when these propagandists choose to unleash their weapons on developing countries, such as Ethiopia, the effect is far worse by orders of magnitude. Having large numbers of misinformed people in combination with grossly understaffed and poorly equipped law enforcement can produce a cocktail of devastating results. This is the present situation and someone has to do something about it. Although we do not have an absolute solution from the outset, we think it is important to start addressing the issue and if we can save just one life, it would have been worth it.
To confront this issue, we intend to launch a platform that we hope can serve as a fact-checking platform for the general population. Having undertaken a study of the issues, we identified the core drivers of the problem. And have drafted what we refer to as our Combat Strategy - a breakdown of the key points of our proposed solution. Considering the depth of the challenge, we recognize that this draft is far from being the ideal solution. In order to improve it, we are organizing a brainstorming session with a select group of people whose perspectives on the problem we consider valuable.
Thank you for being willing to be a part of this and to help you prepare adequately for the brainstorming session, this document will provide a brief description of the following aspects of our proposed solution:
- The challenges we have identified as core drivers of the problem
- Our proposed combat strategy
- And a few new concepts we would like you to consider
We will appreciate your thoughts on these over the brainstorming session.