Why did we choose to fight fake news?


Fake news is now considerd to be the number one threat to democracy.

The latest crisis arising from the activities of propagators of fake news – a blend of rumor, propaganda and plot theory – has shaken the world. Fake news is now considered to be the number one threat to democracy across the world. Although fake news has always existed, the rise of social media has exploded its capabilities and the speed at which it spreads. Social media platforms constitute a vital tool for dissemination of important information, but recent experience has demonstrated that they can be used to spread less-than-useful or flat-out falsehoods to great effect.

We currently live in a reality where social platforms like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter have been weaponized by propagandists. And when these propagandists choose to unleash their weapons on developing countries, such as Ethiopia, the effect is far worse by orders of magnitude. Having large numbers of misinformed people in combination with grossly understaffed and poorly equipped law enforcement can produce a cocktail of devastating results. This is the present situation and someone has to do something about it. Although we do not have an absolute solution from the outset, we think it is important to start addressing the issue and if we can save just one life, it would have been worth it.

To confront this issue, we intend to launch a platform that we hope can serve as a fact-checking platform for the general population. Having undertaken a study of the issues, we identified the core drivers of the problem. And have drafted what we refer to as our Combat Strategy - a breakdown of the key points of our proposed solution. Considering the depth of the challenge, we recognize that this draft is far from being the ideal solution. In order to improve it, we are organizing a brainstorming session with a select group of people whose perspectives on the problem we consider valuable.

Thank you for being willing to be a part of this and to help you prepare adequately for the brainstorming session, this document will provide a brief description of the following aspects of our proposed solution:

  • The challenges we have identified as core drivers of the problem
  • Our proposed combat strategy
  • And a few new concepts we would like you to consider

We will appreciate your thoughts on these over the brainstorming session.


Core Challenges

Among the many drivers of the issue, the following are the primary ones:

Fake Accounts

These are social media accounts set up by internet bots (robots) or by real people using false identities.

Fake News

False information or propaganda published under the guise of being authentic news.


Difficulties in verifying the credibility of news sources.

Opinions vs News

Publication of subjective opinion as objective news in order to change reader's perception

Hidden agenda

A subliminal message designed to pass beneath the conscious level of the reader's perception


Irrelevant or inappropriate messages.

The inception

Key Questions

If we intend to make the slightest dent in the problem, there are two critical questions to be answered.

Facebook, YouTube and other major tech companies have elected to go with the option of using third-party fact checkers as their core strategy for fighting this menace. However, considering the size of the problem, and the fact that it will be hard to get the funds to pay third-party fact-checkers in a developing country, we do not consider this strategy to be very effective.

Although it comes with its own peculiar challenges, we believe that a crowd-sourcing approach to facts-checking is a better way to go. We have, therefore, decided to build our own crowd-sourcing platform where members of the public can collaborate to report fake news and explain twisted reporting to the rest of the populace.

This is the biggest question we need to answer; we cannot repeat what other platforms have done and expect a better outcome. This is why we are rethinking the standard approach to developing a platform and arrived at a unique concept for this one.

We have examined each of the six core drivers individually and come up with a solution for each one. They are listed below.


The Building Blocks

These are the preliminary ideas for addressing each of the major challenges.

Fake Accounts

These are social media accounts set up by internet bots (robots) or by real people using false identities.

Proposed Solution: Registration by referral

The majority of fake account creation happens via automated bots. If we take away the registration form altogether, there would be no way for bots to register. Registration of new members would only be through referral.

Identified drawbacks
Decrease in rate of adoption

This is a price we will have to pay to increase the security of the platform

Human users can still refer their fake accounts

Fake accounts thrive because their creators know that there is no way to trace those accounts back to them. However, if registrations are done only through referral, it is possible to trace backwards and find the real person behind the fake account. To discourage this behavior, the referral tree will be open to the public and anyone can see where a fake account originated from. If users are aware that accounts can be traced back to them, they are less likely to use fake accounts.


Difficulties in verifying the credibility of news sources.

Proposed Solution: The Introduction of "Credibility" score

In the same way that we refer to a person's credit score to evaluate their financial credibility; we can introduce the same concept to the internet world. We will use account scores to assess the trustworthiness of a user.

Identified Challenges
How will the Credibility Score be assigned?

We intend to develop a set of rules for rewarding and penalizing people.

Who awards or deducts points?

Again, this has to be crowd-sourced; people with trustworthiness scores up to a certain threshold can give or take away points.

What activities should be rewarded?

These need to be identified.

What about endorsements? Can they be used to build credibility?

Definitely! Although we are not sure to what extent they should be employed.

Fake News/Spam

Refers to false information or propaganda published under the guise of being authentic news. Or flat out irrelevant or inappropriate messages.

Proposed Solution: Crowd-Sourcing

This is where the power of crowd-sourcing really comes to play. Trustworthy people will have the power to report and hide fake posts.

Identified drawbacks
Requires a Transparent and Well-Designed System

Achieving this will be a huge challenge. But as long as we keep improving the platform and fine-tuning the approach, we should arrive at the point where this will become an effective tool.

How should this be integrated with the credibility score?

The points that are withdrawn or awarded when users participate in reporting fake news or sharing information have to be carefully synched throughout the platform.

News, opinions and propagandas

Opinion journalism is being used to change the perseption of news consumers. In addition, a subliminal message designed to pass below the normal limits of perception are being deployed on our people.

Proposed Solution: Crowd-Sourcing

Once again, trustworthy members of the platform will have special privileges that allow them to explain hidden agendas to news consumers.

Identified challenges
Which Explanation Will Receive Priority?

This may be based on the credibility scores of the user or on which answers get voted as the best by readers. Alternative ideas will also be presented to let consumers arrive at an educated opinion.

Saturday, Sept 22 2018


The brainstorming session is designed in this format

Goals of the session

  • Create a clear understanding of the proposed solutions among the participants
  • Identify challenges and alternative solutions
  • Raise a core team of concerned, smart and highly-skilled Ethiopians with the possibility of additional people being selected in the future

The session will be divided into three parts

  • General Presentation
  • Identifying Challenges and Solutions
  • Future Plans


  • 3:45pm: Hall opens
  • 4:00 - 4:15 pm: Introduction of invited guests
  • 4:15 - 4:45 pm: Presentation of the general idea along with a Q&A session on the presentation
  • 4:45 - 5:45 pm: Brainstorming the challenges and possible solutions
  • 5:45 - 6:00 pm: Future plans and closing
  • 6:00 pm: Hugs and kisses

Questions and challenges where feedback is urgently required

Fake accounts

  • What is your view of the registration by referrals only option?
  • Can you please make a list of any challenges/vulnerabilities that you can think of?
  • If you do find a challenge/vulnerability, do you have suggestions for tackling it?
  • What do you think of the idea of "Credibility scores"?
  • How do you think we could merge endorsements and credibility scores?
  • Are there vulnerable points in the general approach that can be exploited by others?
  • How should we calculate the weight of posts?
  • What would you like to see displayed at the top of homepages?
  • What suggestions do you have on how to reward good behavior?
  • How should we resolve conflicts on the platform?
  • What are your ideas on how we can reach the public and convince people to be part of this?
  • Do you have any additional suggestions?


6395 Little River Turn Pike
Alexandria, VA 22312
Please try to get the by 3:45pm

The platform


These are the primary mockups of the platform. Their main intention is to give you a better idea of how we are imagining to implement the platform.

New members can only be accepted if they are referred by an existing member
No registration form on the home page
Registerd users can login using their facebook or email account
Can access full information about a particular user
All posts of the user can be seen on the same page
Contacting or following the particular user can be done on this page
This is where members can find the link to refer friends
They can also see the communities that they are part of
Feedbacks are also submitted here
One can refer a friend using an email address or a phone number
Once refered, new members can join the platform
Every single post has the following components
Voting buttons with net vote
Poster name and picture
Poster’s credibility score
Time and community posted on
Thumbnail, title & description
Post lable
Readers take
Monitoring overlay
A link can only be shared once through out the platform
Labling is to identify the type of posts
Punishing applies both to the poster and the post
FInally, it is rewarding the poster
Users with higher credibility points review appeals
Appeals can lead to double punishment if found reasonable
If not reseanable, the one who judged wrongly loses points
The following are considered to render community pages
Poster’s credibility and post score along with post time
The following are considered to render home pagess
Communities joined
Poster’s credibility and post score along with post time
Followed users